Lithium Cheats

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Public testing.

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I am currently reworking the entire system for "multi-game" support in Lithium.

Since this rework is bound to have issues. I'm setting up a Discord server to hand out beta versions of the cheat. Entirely free, no invites, no nothing gay. You need a valid Discord account and you'll need to pass the bot's filtering system upon join.

I'll make a post when this system is finished. Feel free to ask questions.

Invite code: HQU6aeT


i can do for tf2 since i spent my whole life playing tf2
but i have 1 question:
by "You need a valid Discord account and you'll need to pass the bot's filtering system upon join."
you mean we have to create a special discord account to get it?


lazytofoundaname wrote:

i can do for tf2 since i spent my whole life playing tf2
but i have 1 question:
by "You need a valid Discord account and you'll need to pass the bot's filtering system upon join."
you mean we have to create a special discord account to get it?

Nah, its just the usual anti-spam stuff on the bot.




hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm a beta uwu noice I wonder whats that gona have

sign me up for tf2 testing lol (i do alot of test i do on pastes/free cheats so maybe im useful in a way)


Rud wrote:

Nah, its just the usual anti-spam stuff on the bot.

ok boss im in


Updated with invite code.


Rud wrote:

You need a valid Discord account

This is what is called being niggercattle, complacent in getting fucked in the ass by the mentally ill "trust and safety" team, advertisers, and CIAniggers that are above the law.
Bridge it fag, cause I know others you talk with are too stupid to use software that respects others.

Last edited by Felik (Apr 12 2020 08:27:33 pm)


Why im not verifed ?



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